406日目 キモオタさんがぜぇぜぇ言いながら歌ってるのは傑作でした

TMHS- Hare Hare Yukai ENGLISH Special

I want to be the only one who can solve the mysterys I taken control of our lives
(ナゾナゾみたいに 地球儀を解き明かしたら)
where is my friend we will go any where in this world
forever for all the time
boon! all the stream that will walk and loop inside my mind
place that round my heart I can imagine Sunday that it might アッソベソ(?)
(何もかもを巻き込んだ想像で 遊ぼう)
I still remember that sunny day
magic for the games that we used to play!
put them in the sleeve could if possibly take this memorys for me!
(限りなく降りそそぐ 不可能じゃないわ)
I see you tomorow then we can say
laughing and harming all over the way!
gather happiness using togetherness
you will find it is not hard if you can really try
(カンタンなんだよ こ・ん・な・の)
gather learn to chase it (gather learn to chace it) gather learn to grasp it
(追いかけてね(追いかけてね) つかまえてみて)
we loves dreaming breaks so dream and dream スキデショ?
(大きな 夢&夢 スキでしょう?)
